Artist Profile Page
Alyssa Castelluccio
Inner Animal: Stingray
Alyssa is currently a Senior studying Art at Columbia College in South Carolina. She's a conservation artist and graphic designer at Riverbanks Zoo. Alyssa combines her love for animals with her passion for art to promote an appreciation for all creatures!
What inspired you to take part in our Artist Collaboration Program?
Pela’s goal to work towards a waste free future is in line with my personal mission to be more sustainable! Who knew a phone case could be compostable?! Makes you think about what else can be more green!
Tell us about your level of environmental practices in your home, community etc?
I try to remember that being more sustainable doesn’t have to be an exhaustive transformation; it just requires some minor changes. Carpooling, refusing single-use plastic, and using reusable products are where I started, now I continue to change other habits and think about what else I can do to be more green.
Why do you think it's important to be environmentally friendly today?
Where did the inspiration come for the case you designed?
What is one thing you do in your life, that makes a positive impact on the environment?
What suggestion would you give to someone who wanted to live more 'green' but overwhelmed on how?
Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment. So start small! Living a more sustainable lifestyle can be as simple as swapping your plastic water bottle for a reusable variety or promising to only buy your eggs and produce from the farmers market. Adopting just one of these habits is an incredibly positive thing—and chances are that once it becomes a ritual, you'll start to think about what else you can do.
What is your favourite quote?
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing is going to get better. It's not" ~the Lorax
See the Polar Bear case here!