Buy a Phone Case, Get Another Case FREE!

Buy a Phone Case, Get Another Case FREE!

Tariff-Free Shopping

Tariff-Free Shopping

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Pela x Vancouver Science World

Plastic Wave

Reflect on the impact of plastics on the environment and explore sustainable material solutions.

Surf & Share

1. Take a photo with the wave

2. Share on social tagging #pelaplasticwave @pelacase

3. Congrats! You are part of the solution.

Share on IG

100,000 of these are polluted into our oceans every minute.
What is it?

(Hint, you can't surf on it)

The Plastic Wave by Pela was made in partnership with Save the Waves and artist ambassador Ethan Estess out of 1,000 phone cases sent to Pela by new customers making the switch from plastic to plant-based through Pela’s 360 Program.

We are on a mission to remove plastic from our oceans, so we can ride waves like these plastic-free. Whether you live next to a body of water or not, the plastic problem is all of ours. Here's why:

  • 91% of single-use plastics end up in landfills and the sea.
  • 70% of our earth is covered by oceans, making plastic pollution a major contributor to global warming.
  • Over 700 marine species are in danger of extinction due to plastic in our oceans.
  • Micro-plastics are found in everyday items we ingest such as tap water, beer, and salt!
  • Over 1 billion plastic phone cases are sold each year.
  • The average person changes their phone every 18-24 months, but their case lasts for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, it probably took you about a minute to read that. In that time, the equivalent of ONE HUNDRED of these waves entered our ocean. That's the equivalent to 100,000 phone cases!!!

It's time to turn off the faucet of plastic pollution.

Save the Waves

Save The Waves is an international nonprofit that works in coalition with diverse organizations dedicated to protecting surf ecosystems.

Now you can help protect the surf ecosystems you love with the Save The Waves App, by reporting coastal threats in real-time.

Download the App

Ethan Estess

Marine scientist turned multimedia artist, Ethan is a Save the Waves Ambassador who uses reclaimed materials to tell stories that bridge the gap between people, science, and the ocean.

Pela 360

We take responsibility for our Pela products throughout their entire life cycle. And now we will even find a graceful end of life for your conventional plastic case by either upcycling it into a new Pela product, or making sure it gets recycled properly.

When you purchase 1 Pela Case
+ return your old plastic case = 1 pound of plastic saved from Oceans.

Responsibility Economy™

Your Impact

3.3 Million Pela Products Sold

More than one million people have switched to Pela, which equates to 966,739 pounds of plastic that was prevented from entering the waste stream. It’s a great start and going forward, we hope to create bigger impact with the support of our community.