Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

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Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

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How to Participate in Plastic Free July

How to Participate in Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is right around the corner, and I would love for you to sign up! Plastic Free July started in Western Australia in 2011. It started as a small group of people but has grown to have participants world wide. 

The goal of Plastic Free July is to examine the amount of plastic you use in your day to day life. It's about taking the time to really pay attention. 

We use a lot of plastic, especially single-use plastic, without even realizing it! 

How to Participate in Plastic Free July from

Sometimes we just automatically reach for the plastic spoons instead of the metal spoon sitting right next to it. 

Sometimes we grab a paper coffee cup without realizing it's actually lined with plastic.

We have become so accustomed to seeing plastic in our everyday lives that we don't even notice it! 

Plastic Free July offers some great resources on swapping disposables for reusables. 

Most notably, they're known for establishing The Big Four. These four items are a great place for anyone to start. 

  • 1. Say no to single-use plastic straws
  • 2. Bring your reusable bags to the grocery store. Don't forget the produce bags too! (Most produce doesn't even need a bag. Leave it naked.)
  • 3. Bring a full water bottle with you before you leave your house. Phone, wallet, WATER, keys - good to go. 
  • 4. Say no to take away coffee cups by bringing your own, or asking for the coffee to stay in a real mug.

How to Participate in Plastic Free July from

Of course, you can choose to participate as much or as little as you want! You can choose just straws, The Big Four, or go for all disposable plastic! 

To join in on the community aspect head over to Instagram and use the #ChooseToRefuse to connect with other people joining in on the challenge. 

You can also follow some of our favorite inspiring eco accounts! 

Us / Going Zero Waste / Treading My Own Path / Jane and Simple 

For extra accountability you can pledge and you will be emailed with plastic free tips and delicious plastic free recipes throughout July!

For extra help on examining the problem perform a waste audit or take the Pesky Plastics Quiz to help you track down where your plastics come from! 

Challenges like these are always great to jumpstart, restart or get friends and family involved. If you already have the plastic free thing down, challenge one of your family members!